1/ Florac

2/ Saint Genest Lerpt

3/ Plots

Urban and collective furnitures
1/ Florac
his project was a public command by the city of Florac. They wanted a furniture to observe and relax, to meditate and discuss alone and with your family. A soft place in the garden of Florac’s Castle in Parc National des Cévennes. We won the public competition to design a furniture which permit to people to relax and contemplate the landscape around Florac’s castle.
2/ St Genest Lerpt
A furniture range designed for the city of Saint Genest Lerpt in collaboration with Big Bang agency. We designed peculiar elements to fit with the global concept of the public space. Small islands inspired by the industrial past of the city mainly focused on ribbon production active in the XIX century
3/ Plots
Plots is a outdoor furniture system in wood, concrete and metal. It enable client to compose its own space and play with textures combinations. It can find market opportunities with developers, planners and urban spaces, communities but also private lofts. This installation was design in 2013 for Lyon City Design and shown in Grand Hotel Dieu, Lyon.
1/ Parc National des Cévennes
2/ Saint Genest Lerpt
3/ Lyon City Demain
1/ 2019
2/ 2018
3/ 2013
1/ Eric Dessolier
2/ Studio by Night